About Me

My name is Lora. I'm a stay at home Mom and housewife and I loooooove to coupon. It's an addiction. I LOVE saving money. My husband supports us very well financially, and I never used to look at prices when I was out shopping. Sometimes I'd spend $10 dollars on a bag of apples or grapes. (WHAT?! That's insane to me now.) Then we took a course at church - Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. We came up with a budget and I couldn't believe how much we were spending on groceries AND eating out all the time. Now I look at the price of EVERYTHING and since I started couponing, I save approx $500 a month.
I am not an expert at this (AT ALL!) But it's something I've become very passionate about. I used to think couponing was for grandmas, and I thought it was more trouble than it's worth, WRONG! It has saved us so much money and it's FUN! Going to the store and walking out with bags of merchandise and literally spending a couple dollars, it gives me a sense of accomplishment. It makes me feel like I'm "beating the system."

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